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Bhagavadgita,-अर्जुनविषादयोगः arjunaviṣādayogaḥ, (S.-1, Ch.-1, V.-0)

कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम्

‍‍ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय *

krishnam vande jagad-gurum






abl., ablative.

acc., accusative.

act., active.

adj., adjective.

adv., adverb.

·BV cpd., Bahuvrihi compound. A compound which is always adjecti-val to a noun or pronoun, either ex-pressed or implicit. The last mem-ber is a noun and the first usually an adjective. Its structure can be most simply explained by examples: "He whose B (last member) is A (first

member) " or "This of which the B (last member) is A (first member)." Examples can readily be found in English: "redneck," i.e. he whose neck is red; "bluebeard," i.e. he whose beard is blue; "hardhat," i.e. he whose hat is hard. In Sanskrit: maharatha, he whose chariot is mighty;

Dhrtara~tra (proper name), he by whom the kingdom is held;

mababaho (vocative), 0 Thou whose arms are mighty;

anantarapa, that of which the form is unending:

avyak- tadini, such that their beginnings are unmanifest.


dat., dative.

DV cpd., Dvandva (copulative) com-


esp., especially.

f., feminine.

fut., future.

gen., genitive.

indic., indicative.

ifc., "in fine compositi," "at the end of a compound," indicating the last member of a compound.

inst., instrumental.

interrog., interrogative.

irreg., irregular.

·KD cpd., Karmadharaya compound, a compound the members of which have the same case. There are three types: (a) the first member is an adjective, the second a noun. Example in English: " highway," in Sanskrit: "mahadhana," "great wealth." (b) both members are nouns. Example in English: "gen- tleman-thief," i.e. a thief who is a gentleman;

"boy-actress" (in Shakespeare's time), i.e. an actress who is really a boy.

Examples in Sanskrit: " rajarisi," " king-sage; "

"devajana," "god people."

(c) both members are adjectives.

Examplesin English:" pale-red,"" snow-white."

Examples in Sanskrit: "dhamaro- hita," "greyish red," " uttarapiirva," " north-east."


lit., literally

loc., locative.

loco absol., locative absolute.

m., masculine.

mid., middle.

n., neuter.

nom., nominative.

p., past.

pass., passive.

pI., plural.

pr., present.

sarhdhi - not an abbreviation, but a term indicating an alteration in accord with the laws of euphonious combination of words.

sg., singular.

""TP cpd., Tatpuru!?a compound. A

compound of two words which would ordinarily have different caseendings.

Examples in English: mountain peak," i.e. the peak of a mountain, etc.

In Sanskrit: jivaloka (jiva, living; loka, world), the world of the living; rajendra (raja, king; Indra, chief), chief of kings, etc. The members of these compounds are nouns.

voc., vocative.

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