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Ayurveda Online Net FREE - ONLINE ATMABODHA -Átmabodha- Ádiguru Šankaračarjá

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Atmabodha,-Self-Knowledge, (S.-1, Ch.-2, V.-2)

बोधोऽन्यसाधनेभ्यो हि साक्षान्मोक्षैकसाधनम् । पाकस्य वह्निवज्ज्ञानं विना मोक्षो न सिध्यति ॥ २॥

Bodho anya-Sadhanebhyo Hi Sakshan-Moksha Eka Sadhanam Pakasya Vahnivat Jnanam Vina Moksho Na Sidhyati

1 Bodhah anya-saadhane-bhyah hi: In comparison with other means, knowledge,indeed, 2 saakshaat moksha eka saadhanam; is the single direct means for Liberation. 3 paakasya vanhi-vat jnaanam: As fire is for cooking, so is knowledge – 4 vinaa mokshah na sidhyati. without it Liberation is not possible

Though other articles such as rice, vegetables, water and pots are necessary, to cook a meal at is fire that actually cooks the meal. As fire is thus the direct cause of cooking, Knowledge of the Atma and not any other form of discipline i.e., practice of austerities and rituals, is the sole direct means to attain moksha or liberation. The purpose of austerities is purification of heart and creation of a mental condition to aid one's spiritual growth and render it fit for pursuing the path of knowledge (jnana marga)


Ájurvédská Univerzita Praha

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